The Prayer Wall

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  • Please pray for a man named Connor, his salvation healing and deliverance.
  • hello the lord has woke me fron drug addiction he called me to leave my house and home for i have backslidden in need of strength physical healing and holyspirit piwer and annointing restored thank yo uGod Bless you all
  • Please pray that God would help me overcome sins power in my life and that God would give me mercy and grace. Pray also that God willing I could change jobs soon. Pray that God would heal my body and mind.
  • Please pray that God would help my co workers and I at work. Also pray that God would help my friends with the things they are struggling with. Finally pray that God would continually change me to be more like Him.
  • Please pray God remove failure, shame, guilt, fear, despair, bitterness, regret, anger, malice, jealousy and resentment from me and that I’d experience and know God’s goodness and healing power in the land of the living. Please cry out to God for com
  • Please pray everything causing sickness of my womb/body/reproductive system and mind be cast out forever in Jesus name and replaced with the Holy Spirit. Pray for miracles of healing and restoration. Pray every ancestral curse be broken and that all
  • Fervent prayer needed: Please pray against a spirit of suicide in Jesus name. Pray for hope, faith and love and that God overtake me and fix what is wrong and heal the wounds that keep causing this evil spirit to keep returning in Jesus name.
  • Please pray that God would give me wisdom, hope and courage. Pray that God would deliver me from my current struggles. Finally pray for peace in my life and in my friends.
  • Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw nasal cavity as it is desperate needs due to brokenness emotional trauma grief lonliness and loss and heal her hair growth, her eyesight, her heartbeat trouble and pray she have a good nights sleep, pray she have more
  • Please pray that God would help me make the right decisions about my job not let fear be an influencing factor. Pray for peace, wisdom and breakthrough. Finally pray that God would handle/bring me through every situation that's causing me anxiety.
  • Please pray that God would heal me and help me in my career. Pray that God would restore my peace and give me supernatural joy and patience. Pray that God would take care of everything that's been giving me anxiety at work. Finally pray that God woul
  • I ask for prayer that God would make a way for me to learn all the songs for my church on the chord sheets the pastors wife gave me, and play for the church in his time, and begin making songs. I ask for prayer that God would open doors for me to hav
  • Please pray that God would completely heal my body and help me with everything I'm struggling with. Pray for God's grace and mercy over my life and that I could grow as a musician that glorifies Him. Finally pray that God would protect me and guard m
  • Pray to heal Magdalena Lovejoy grief loss loneliness and longsuffering and schizophrenia and restless leg syndrome.
  • Please PRAY for my Mother and myself regarding the mobile home that we live in. I don't want my Mother and myself to move from our mobile home park . PRAY that GOD would financially provide for us to buy our mobile home or one of the available ones.
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